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(Video) Fearless Nigerian man deals with Police officer at check point for bullying him

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A Nigerian man recognized as Alex has shared a video of him self hooking a police officer on his uniform for hitting him with a stick on his forehead for refusing to give bribe.

This happened in one of the Nigerian high way police check points as the man narrates.

His post is below.

Video link: https://www.facebook.com/100022353371903/posts/658831924871914/

Guys U wont believe it,

I lost my temper, today on this officer of the law, that is clueless of the law, he took the law too far,

I was on transit, got to his check point, he asked me to park, i did, he asked for a ridiculous amount of bribe 5000k since it's tokumbo, to let me pass, I told him the story how its tokumbo but Lagos clearing of how I can't pay that amount, and I had all the necessary paper work to prove, and custom papers to show, he asked me to come down I came down he collected the papers and sized my key, and said until I pay he won't let me go, there was a delay of 40mints, stand off, my only option at this point was to tell him i wont pay and i will record his demand my phone before I pay he refused, but I still picked out my phone and wanting to make a recorded of the incident , he just used his stick to wipe me on my face, just like that, at that point I lost it completely, and went into a rage, and he got some of me,

For me this is police brutality at its worst, in this country bandits and killers are pampered while the security apparatus keep extorting the vulnerable, # justimagine