Must Read! Head Of US Bishops Attacks Biden Over His Agenda Of Legalization Same- Gender Wedding
Political GistJan 22, 2021Read original
The (USCCB)United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a stark condemnation of abortion agenda of newly elect president Joe Biden on the day of his inauguration, he argued that he would advance moral evils on the preeminent priority for the faithful.
Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez, who serves as the USCCB' s president said that
he must point out that their new President had pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils, dignity and threaten human life most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, gender, marriage. adding that the deep concern was the liberty of the Church and the freedom of believers to live according to their consciences.
His comments came amid a broader debate about United States politicians, like Nancy Pelesi, the House Speaker D- Calif, who identified as Catholic but pursue policies that conflict with Church teaching. Joe Biden, during the campaign, reversed his decades old position on the Hyde Amendment, that blocked most taxpayer funding for abortions. He had also pledged to codify Roe v. Wade, a move that conservatives said would allow abortion up till the moment of birth.
Prior the inauguration of Biden he and Pelosi attended a mass held at St. Matthew' s Cathedral in D. C. It was unclear whether they took communion but Archbishop Wilton Gregory said that beforehand that he would not reject Biden the sacrament.
At the time of t campaign, then- candidate Biden was rejected communion by a South Carolina priest and in August, the former head of the Archdiocese of St. Cardinal Raymond Burke.
For many years, Joe Biden supported the Amendment of Hyde with the rationale that religious Americans should not had to pay for procedures they opposed fundamentally. He similarly argued that Americans should not be forced to embrace his view of faith of abortion.
Watch: Joe Biden First Speech As US President Elect
He appeared to personally flout church teaching, however, when Biden officiated a same gender wedding ceremony in two thousand and sixteen (2016). He also picked a secretary of Health and Human Services who previously sued nuns for opposing Obamacare' s contraception mandate.
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